Empirical investigation of relationship between research and development intensity and firm performance: The role of ownership structure and board structure
Research and development is an emerging competitive advantage to gain maximum market share. This study is conducted to empirically investigate the relationship between research and development intensity and firm performance in selected non-financial firms listed at Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Moreover, the role of ownership structure and board structure have been evaluated between predictor and outcome variable. For this purpose, 27 non-financial firms listed on PSX have been selected for the period of eight years from 2009 to 2016 and unbalanced panel data was obtained. Research and development intensity has been used as an independent variable. ROA, ROE, and TQ are used as measures of financial performance, i.e., dependent variable. Ownership concentration, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership are used as the proxies for ownership structure. Board size, board independence, and board meeting frequency are used as the proxies for board structure. Moreover, firm size, firm age and leverage have also been used as a control variables in data analysis. Based on data analyses, it is concluded that research and development intensity has a positive and significant relationship with all three proxies of firm performance, i.e., ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q. Afterward, the researchers have investigated the moderating role of ownership structure and board structure between research and development intensity and three proxies of firm performance. It is also concluded that in general ownership structure as well as board structure are negatively moderating the relationship between research and development intensity and firm performance which raises a question mark on the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanism in terms of R&D performance.