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TFCC Lesions in Children and Adolescents: Open Treatment by:4 (Source: Crossref)

    Background: There has been little discussion regarding the lesion of the TFCC in pediatric and adolescent patients. This study examines 11 cases treated with open technique.

    Methods: Range of motion (ROM), strength and functional scores (QUICK DASH, PWRE, VAS pain, and NAKAMURA score) were evaluated.

    Results: The mean postoperative flexion-extension arc was 95% of the contralateral side, the radio-ulnar deviation 91% of the contralateral side and the pronation-supination arc 94% of the unaffected side. Grip strength was 85.6% of the uninjured wrist, pinch was 88%. The mean PRWE decreased from 84.4 to 9.85 postoperatively. The mean Q-DASH scored 10.4. The VAS pain under stress decreased from a mean of 6.8 to a mean of 2.27, while at rest it decreased from a mean of 5 to a mean of 0.5. The final clinical results obtained by Nakamura score were 2 excellent, 6 good and 3 fair.

    Conclusions: This study emphasizes that open surgical TFCC repair is a safe and reliable therapeutic procedure in children and adolescent populations.