Outcomes at 3 Months of a Place and Active Hold Method of Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation Following Zone II Injury
Background: Previous studies have shown that outcomes following a place and active hold (PAH) are better than a passive flexion protocol after a two-strand core-suture repair of flexor tendons injuries in zone II. This study aims to determine the outcomes of a PAH protocol of flexor tendon rehabilitation following a four-strand core-suture plus an epitendinous suture repair of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) combined with a simple horizontal loop repair of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS).
Methods: This is a prospective study of patients with complete injury to both flexor tendons in zone II. All tendons were repaired with a simple horizontal loop for FDS and four-strand core-suture plus epitendinous suture for FDP. The PAH protocol was used postoperatively for 6 weeks. The outcome was evaluated using flexion contracture and total active motion (TAM), interpreted using Strickland criteria and categorised as excellent, good, fair and poor at 6 weeks and 3 months. The linear regression model was used to determine predictors of outcomes.
Results: The study included 32 patients with flexor tendon injury in 46 fingers. No repairs ruptured, and 24 (52%) digits achieved good or excellent motion 6 weeks after surgery using the Strickland criteria. According to the Strickland criteria, 41 (89%) digits ranked as excellent and good with no poor result at a 3-month follow-up. Four patients had 5–10° of flexion contracture. Age was the predictor of TAM at 6 weeks and accounted for 13% of its variation. Improvement of TAM from 6 weeks to 3 months was related to age and flexion contracture at 6 weeks.
Conclusions: The PAH protocol can be considered a safe technique for flexor rehabilitation after four-strand core-suture repair of FDP in zone II.
Level of Evidence: Level IV (Therapeutic)