#348 : Primary Broad Ligament Endometrioid Carcinoma – A Case Report of a Rare Entity
Background: Primary broad ligament epithelial malignancies are rare occurrence. Hence, the treatment options are uncertain. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is warranted to manage this condition.
Case report: We present a 61-year-old female with abdominal distension associated with significant weight loss for six months. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a pelvic mass measuring 10.7 × 14.6 × 13.5 cm with omental caking.
Result: An exploratory laparotomy and tumour debulking was performed. Histological examination revealed moderately differentiated endometrioid carcinoma of the broad ligament stage IC and an endometrioid carcinoma of endometrium, stage 1A. She received external beam radiotherapy; brachytherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with a 6 monthly surveillance. Currently, she is healthy with no recurrence at 24 months postoperatively.
Conclusion: The rarity of primary broad ligament endometrioid carcinoma may incline clinicians to suspect more common malignancies such as ovarian. However, with an accurate diagnosis, the treatment will allow a better prognosis to the patient.
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