The study of line graphs of subdivision graphs of some rooted product graphs via K-Banhatti indices
The degree-based topological indices are numerical graph invariants that are used to link a molecule’s structural characteristics to its physical, and chemical characteristics. In the investigation, and study of the structural features of a chemical network, it has emerged as one of the most potent mathematical techniques. In this paper, we study the degree-based topological invariants, called K-Banhatti indices, of the line graphs of some rooted product graphs namely, Cn{Pk+1}, Cn{Sm+1}, and ith vertex rooted product graph Ci,r{Pk+1} which are derived by the concept of subdivision.
1. Introduction
In this paper, we consider those graphs which are simple and connected. Let G=(V,E) be a graph (molecular) with vertex set V=V(G), and edge set E=E(G). The cardinality of the set V and E is known as the order, and the size of the graph G, respectively. The number of edges incident to a vertex x∈V is called the vertex degree, denoted by dx. The degree of an edge e, denoted by de, is defined by de=dx+dy−2 where e=xy. Further, we write x∼e. If e=xy in an edge in a graph G, a new vertex z is inserted between the vertices x and y and the edge xy is replaced by two new edges xz and zy. This is known as the subdivision of an edge. Likewise, the subdivision graph S(G) is formed from the subdivision of all the edges in G. The line graph, denoted by L(G), of a graph G is the graph with V(L(G))=E(G), and e1e2∈E(L(G)) if and only if e1 and e2 share a common endpoint in G. Further, L(S(G)) is the line graph of S(G).
In the literature, a number of topological indices have been defined and studied. Kulli4,5 proposed some novel degree-based topological indices namely, first K-Banhatti index, second K-Banhatti index, modified first K-Banhatti index, modified second K-Banhatti index, and harmonic K-Banhatti index.
The first K-Banhatti index of a graph G is defined as
For more properties and different versions of those indices, readers can visit literature.4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
In particular, in Ref. 14, the exact values of the Shultz index of the subdivision graph of the wheel, tadpole, ladder, and helm graphs have been found. The Zagreb indices of the line graph with subdivision of these structures are studied in Ref. 15. In Ref. 16, the authors have found the values of the general sum-connectivity index and co-index of the line graph of these graphs with subdivision. In Ref. 17, ABC4 and GA5 indices of the line graph of the wheel, ladder, and tadpole graphs by means of the definition of subdivision have been determined. In Ref. 18, the (a,b)-Zagreb index of line graphs of subdivision graphs of some molecular structures have been studied.
In the following section, we will study the K-Banhatti indices of line graph of the subdivision graphs of the rooted graphs Cn{Pk+1},Cn{Sm+1} and Ci,r{Pk+1}.
2. Examples
In this section, we will discuss the calculations of the K-Banhatti indices of C3{P2} and the line graph of its subdivision (see Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1. The graph Cn{Pk+1} for n=3, k=1.

Fig. 2. The line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Pk+1} for n=3, k=1.
Let G be the graph of C3{P2}. Since each of the vertices of G is of degree either one, two or three, the vertex set of G has the following three partitions with respect to degree:
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,2) | 1 | 3 |
(2,2) | 2 | 3 |
(2,3) | 3 | 3 |
(3,3) | 4 | 12 |
Using Eqs. (1)–(5), we get the values of K-Banhatti indices of C3{P2} and its line graph of the subdivision.
In the next section, we have found the general values of the K-Banhatti indices of Cn{Pk+1} and the line graph of its subdivision.
3. Topological Indices of the Line Graph of the Subdivision Graph of Rooted Product of Some Graphs
Let G1,G2,…,Gn be the sequence of n rooted graph of G and H be a labeled graph with vertex set V(H)={1,2,…,n}. As defined in Ref. 19, the rooted product of H by G (that is, H(G)=H(G1,G2,…,Gn)) is a graph obtained by identifying the root vertex of Gi with the ith (i=1,2,3,…,n) vertex of H.
3.1. K-Banhatti indices of line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Pk+1}
Here we consider the path (Pn), and cycle graph (Cn) with the order n. Let Cn{Pk+1} be the cluster product of cycle and path of length n, and k, respectively. There are total 2n+2nk vertices among which the numbers of vertices of degree 1, 2, and 3 are n, 2nk−2n, and 3n, respectively. The graph of Cn{Pk+1} and the line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Pk+1} can be seen in Fig. 3 and their edge partitions are tabulated in Tables 2 and 3.

Fig. 3. The graph of Cn{Pk+1}; Line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Pk+1}.
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,3) | 2 | n |
(3,3) | 4 | 4n |
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,2) | 1 | n |
(2,2) | 2 | 2nk−3n |
(2,3) | 3 | n |
(3,3) | 4 | 4n |
Theorem 1. Let G be a graph isomorphic to the line graph of subdivision graph of Cn{Pk+1}. Then,
(i) |
B1(G)={64nif k=1,16n(3+k)if k>1, | ||||
(ii) |
B2(G)={104nif k=1,90n+16nkif k>1, | ||||
(iii) |
mB1(G)={176n105if k=1,5970n+nkif k>1, | ||||
(iv) |
mB2(G)={4n3if k=1,1718n+nkif k>1, | ||||
(v) |
HB(G)={352105if k=1,16135n+2nkif k>1. |
(i) | Case 1. k=1: B1(G)=n(1+2+3+2)+4n(3+4+3+4)=8n+56n=64n. B1(G)=n(1+1+2+1)+(2nk−3n)×(2+2+2+2)+n(2+3+3+3)+n(3+4+3+4)=16n(3+k). | ||||
(ii) | Case 1. k=1: B2(G)=n(2+6)+4n(12+12)=8n+96n=104n. B2(G)=n(1+2)+(2nk−3n)(4+4)+n(6+9)+n(12+12)=90n+16nk. | ||||
(iii) | Case 1. k=1: mB1(G)=n(1∕3+1∕5)+4n(1∕7+1∕7)=(8∕15)n+4n(2∕7)=(176∕105)n. mB1(G)=n(1∕2+1∕3)+(2nk−3n)(1∕4+1∕4)+n(1∕5+1∕6)+n(1∕7+1∕7)=n(59∕70)+nk. | ||||
(iv) | Case 1. k=1: mB2(G)=n(1∕2+1∕6)+4n(1∕12+1∕12)=n(2∕3)+(8∕24)n=(4∕3)n. mB2(G)=n(1+1∕2)+(2nk−3n)(1∕4+1∕4)+n(1∕6+1∕9)+n(1∕12+1∕12)=n(17∕18)+nk. | ||||
(v) | Case 1. k=1: HB(G)=n(2∕3+2∕5)+4n(2∕7+2∕7)=(16∕15)n+n(16∕7)=(352∕105)n. HB(G)=n(2∕2+2∕3)+(2nk−3n)(2∕4+2∕4)+n(2∕5+2∕6)+n(2∕7+2∕7)=n(161∕35)+2nk. |
3.2. K-Banhatti indices of line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Sm+1}
Let Sm+1 be the star graph. The cluster product of Cn by Sm+1 is denoted by Cn{Sm+1}, and is obtained by identifying any pendant vertex of the ith copy of Sm+1 to the ith vertex of Cn (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. The graph of Cn{Sm+1}; Line graph of the subdivision graph of Cn{Sm+1}.
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,m+1) | m | nm |
(3,m+1) | m+2 | n |
(3,3) | 4 | 4n |
(m+1,m+1) | 2m | mn(m+1)2 |
Theorem 2. Let G be a graph isomorphic to the line graph of subdivision graph of Cn{Sm+1}. Then,
(i) |
B1(G)=mn(3m+5)+64n+mn(m+1)(3m+1), | ||||
(ii) | B2(G)=m2n[(m+2)+2(m+1)2]+n(m+2)(m+4)+96n, | ||||
(iii) | mB1(G)=3mn2(m+1)+n(3m+8)(m+5)(2m+3)+mn(m+1)(3m+1)+87n, | ||||
(iv) |
mB2(G)=n(8m+11)3(m+1)+n(m+4)3(m+2)(m+1), | ||||
(v) | HB(G)=3mn(m+1)+2n(3m+8)(m+5)(2m+3)+2mn(m+1)(3m+1)+167n. |
(i) | B1(G)=nm(1+m+2m+1)+n(3+2(m+2)+m+1)+4n(14)+mn(m+1)2(6m+2)=mn(3m+5)+64n+mn(m+1)(3m+1). | ||||
(ii) | B2(G)=mn(m+m2+m)+n(3m+6+(m+1)(m+2)+4n(24)+mn(m+1)2×(4m(m+1))=m2n[(m+2)+2(m+1)2]+n(m+2)(m+4)+96n. | ||||
(iii) | mB1(G)=mn(1m+1+12m+1)+4n(27)+n(1m+5+12m+3)+mn(m+1)223m+1=3mn2(m+1)+n(3m+8)(m+5)(2m+3)+mn(m+1)(3m+1)+87n. | ||||
(iv) | mB2(G)=mn(1m+1m(m+1))+4n16+mn(m+1)222m(m+1)=n(8m+11)3(m+1)+n(m+4)3(m+2)(m+1). | ||||
(v) | HB(G)=2mn(1m+1+12m+1)+8n(27)+2n(1m+5+12m+3)+2mn(m+1)3m+1=3mn(m+1)+2n(3m+8)(m+5)(2m+3)+2mn(m+1)(3m+1)+167n. |
3.3. K-Banhatti indices of line graph of the subdivision graph of Ci,r{Pk+1}
Let H be a labeled graph with order n and G be a sequence of k rooted graphs G1,G2,…,Gk. Then the ith vertex rooted product of H by G, denoted by Hi{G1,G2,…,Gk}, is generated by identifying the root vertex of every Gi to the vertex of H for all i∈1,2,…,k. In the special case when the components G1,G2,…,Gk are mutually isomorphic to a graph L, the ith vertex rooted product of H by G is denoted by Hi,k{L} and is called the ith vertex cluster product of H by L.20
The graph of Ci,r{Pk+1} can be seen in Fig. 5 and its edge partition is tabulated in Tables 5 and 6.

Fig. 5. The graph of Ci,r{Pk+1}; Line graph of the subdivision graph of Ci,r{Pk+1}.
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,r+2) | r+1 | r |
(2,2) | 2 | 2n−3 |
(2,r+2) | r+2 | 2 |
(r+2,r+2) | 2r+2 | r2+3r+22 |
(dx,dy) where xy∈E | de | Number of edges |
(1,2) | 1 | r |
(2,2) | 2 | 2n+2kr−3r−3 |
(2,r+2) | r+2 | r+2 |
(r+2,r+2) | 2r+2 | r2+3r+22 |
Theorem 3. Let G be a graph isomorphic to the line graph of subdivision graph of Ci,r{Pk+1}. Then,
(i) |
B1(G)={r(3r+5)+8(2n−3)+2(3r+8)+(r2+3r+2)(3r+4)if k=1,5r+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+4)(3r+8)+(r2+3r+2)(3r+4)if k>1, | ||||
(ii) |
B2(G)={r(r+1)(r+3)+8(2n−3)+2(r+2)(r+4)+2(r+1)2(r+2)2if k=1,3r+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+2)2(r+4)+2(r+1)2(r+2)2if k>1, | ||||
(iii) |
mB1(G)={r(3r+5)(r+2)(2r+3)+(2n−3)2+2r+2+r2+3r+23r+4if k=1,56r+12(2n+2kr−3r−3)+3r+82(r+4)+r2+3r+23r+4if k>1, | ||||
(iv) |
mB2(G)={r(r+3)(r+1)(r+2)+12(4n−5)+2(r+4)(r+2)2+12(2n−3)if k=1,12(3r+1)+12(2n+2kr−3r−3)+r+42(r+2)if k>1, | ||||
(v) |
HB(G)={2r(3r+5)(r+2)(2r+3)+(2n−3)+4r+2+2(r2+3r+2)3r+4if k=1,53r+(2n+2kr−3r−3)+3r+8(r+4)+2(r2+3r+2)3r+4if k>1. |
(i) | Case 1. k=1: B1(G)=r(r+3+2r+2)+8(2n−3)+2(3r+8)+r2+3r+22(3r+4+3r+4)=r(3r+5)+8(2n−3)+2(3r+8)+(r2+3r+2)(3r+4). B1(G)=r(5)+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+2)[3r+8]=12(r2+3r+2)[3r+4+3r+4]=5r+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+4)(3r+8)+(r2+3r+2)(3r+4). | ||||
(ii) | Case 1. k=1: B2(G)=r[(r+1)+(r+1)(r+2)]+8(2n−3)+2[2(r+2)+(r+1)2]+r2+3r+22[4(r+1)(r+2)]=r(r+1)(r+3)+8(2n−3)+2(r+2)(r+4)+2(r+1)2(r+2)2. B2(G)=3r+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+2)[2(r+2)+(r+2)2]+r2+3r+22[4(r+1)(r+2)]=3r+8(2n+2kr−3r−3)+(r+2)2(r+4)+2(r+1)2(r+2)2. | ||||
(iii) | Case 1. k=1: mB1(G)=r(1r+2+12r+3)+2n−32+2(12(r+2)+12(r+2))+r2+3r+22(23r+4)=r(3r+5)(r+2)(2r+3)+(2n−3)2+2r+2+r2+3r+23r+4. mB1(G)=r(12+13)+2n+2kr−3r−32+(r+2)(1(r+4)+1(2r+4))+r2+3r+22(23r+4)=56r+12(2n+2kr−3r−3)+3r+82(r+4)+r2+3r+23r+4. | ||||
(iv) | Case 1. k=1: mB2(G)=r(11+r+1(r+1)(r+2))+2n−32+2(12(r+2)+1(r+1)2)+r2+3r+222(r+1)(r+2)=r(r+3)(r+1)(r+2)+12(4n−5)+2(r+4)(r+2)2+12(2n−3). mB2(G)=r(1+12)+2n+2kr−3r−32+(r+2)(12(r+2)+1(r+2)2)+(r+1)(r+2)2(r+1)(r+2)=12(3r+1)+12(2n+2kr−3r−3)+r+42(r+2). | ||||
(v) | Case 1. k=1: HB(G)=2r(3r+5)(r+2)(2r+3)+(2n−3)+4r+2+2(r2+3r+2)3r+4. HB(G)=53r+(2n+2kr−3r−3)+3r+8(r+4)+2(r2+3r+2)3r+4. |
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we compute the exact values of K-Banhatti indices namely, first K-Banhatti index, second K-Banhatti index, modified first K-Banhatti index, modified second K-Banhatti index, and harmonic K-Banhatti index of line graphs of subdivision graphs of some rooted product graphs (In particular, Cn{Pk+1}, Cn{Sm+1}, and Ci,r{Pk+1}). In the future, we would want to compute the exact values of K-Banhatti indices for some more graph operations.
Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.