This important book provides an account of the linear acoustics of basic isotropic/anisotropic structures excited by time-harmonic and transient mechanical forces and acoustic sources. Many numerical examples are given to aid physical insight and to provide benchmark computations of sound radiation and sound scattering. The theoretical methods, developed originally for naval noise control problems, should find civil application in the acoustic modelling of structures fabricated from both fibre-reinforced and isotropic materials. Such an endeavour is increasingly desirable and necessary in this noisy world.
- Mathematical Methods
- Response of Dynamical Systems
- Acoustic Equations
- Scattering from Hard and Soft Structures
- Acoustic Finite Elements
- Elastic Equations and Constitutive Relations
- Acoustics of Spherical Shell
- Acoustics of Thin Plate
- Acoustics of Cylindrical Shell
- Spherically Layered Media
- Planar Layered Media
- Cylindrically Layered Media
- Simply Supported Cylinder
- Finite Axisymmetric Structure
Readership: Graduate students of applied mathematics, engineering and physics; undergraduate students specializing in acoustics, and practising noise control engineers responsible for the development of mathematical models.
Elizabeth Skelton is a Research Associate in the Mathematics Department of Imperial College, London. She joined the Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment, Teddington, in 1981, after graduating in mathematics at Girton College, Cambridge, and worked on a variety of theoretical problems in underwater acoustics. In 1986 she joined the Marconi Maritime Applied Research Laboratory, Cambridge, and in 1988 she became a Research Assistant at Imperial College. In 1989 she obtained a PhD for a thesis on the Wiener-Hopf method for solving split boundary value problems in fluid-structure interaction, under the direction of Professor F G Leppington. Her main research interest is the theoretical modelling of acoustic scattering from underwater structures, the research being funded by the Defence Research Agency.
Jimmy James retired from the Defence Research Agency, Gosport, in 1994, where he was a Principal Scientific Officer. He joined the Royal Navy Scientific Service at the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, in 1960, after graduating in applied mathematics at the University of Wales, Swansea. He has developed a variety of theoretical methods and computer programs for predicting the dynamics and acoustics of submerged elastic structures, and has acted as a consultant to the Navy on a wide range of noise and vibration problems.