Studies on radioactive cesium and alkali elements in lentinula edodes (Shiitake) based on PIXE analysis
Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis of Lentinula edodes mushrooms (Shiitake mushrooms) contaminated with radioactive cesium was performed to study relationships between concentrations of alkali elements in the shiitake mushroom samples and their radioactive cesium levels. The shiitake mushrooms were cultivated using radiocontaminated hard wood logs due to the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima. The significant localization of radioactive cesium was found in the pileus region of the shiitake mushroom from autoradiographic observation. The concentrations of alkali elements in the shiitake sample were measured by PIXE analysis. The PIXE analysis has shown that the concentrations and transfer coefficients of potassium and rubidium in the pileus are much higher than the other parts of the shiitake sample as is the case of radioactive cesium. It is suggested that radioactive cesium is transferred into shiitake mushrooms in a manner similar to potassium and rubidium. The results of this work have shown the possibility to be able to use rubidium as an elemental tracer for radioactive cesium.