Chapter 6: Sequential Logic Design
The following sections are included:
Synchronous Sequential Systems
General sequential system
Synchronous sequential systems and software specification
Shift register
Bidirectional shift register
State Machine Design
The algorithmic state machine (ASM) method
Digital counter design: illustrating aspects of ASM design
Basic counter design: ASM charts in practice
Gray code counters: ASM implementation minimisation
Further counter design: alternative sequences and unused states
Minimising sequential logic
Implementing counters using T-type bistables
Converting a D-type into a JK-type
Translating ASM charts into a software specification
Further Concepts in Sequential Design
Further ASM chart design
Other sequential specifications: Moore and Mealy charts
A modern view of sequential design
Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Basic asynchronous counters
Positive edge-triggered asynchronous counter
Interrupting the count sequence: asynchronous counters Modulus ≠ 2N
Concluding Comments and Further Reading