Chemistry of Leaching Processes
The following sections are included:
Leaching of Oxides and Silicates
Reactions of Oxides not Involving Oxidation or Reduction
Reactions of Oxides Involving Oxidation
Electrochemical Model for the Oxidation Leaching of Uranium Dioxide
Leaching of Silicates
Leaching of Sulphides
Thermodynamics of the Metastable S–H2O System
Leaching of Iron-Containing Sulphides in Alkaline Solutions
Oxidative Leaching of Chalcocite in Acidic Solutions
Oxidative Leaching of Bornite in Acidic Solutions
Oxidative Leaching of α-Chalcopyrite and Mooihoekite (γ-Chalcopyrite) in Acidic Solutions
Diffusion of Cations in Copper-Containing Sulphides