The Genealogy of Extremal Particles of Branching Brownian Motion
Branching Brownian motion (BBM) is used as a population model where the location of a particle on the real line represents his or her fitness which evolves according to a Brownian motion due to mutations. In this context, the genealogical tree of the particles is important to understand the evolution of the population over time.
The main goal of this article is to give an overview and motivations for some of the results on the genealogy of extremal particles of BBM.
In the first part of this article, we discuss the results of L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier and N. Kistler from [Genealogy of Extremal Particles of BBM, 2011] and [Poissonian Statistics in the Extremal Process of BBM, 2012]. Their articles give a partial answer to what the distribution of the limiting extremal process of BBM looks like. These two articles highlight, how genetical information can successfully be used to obtain rather extensive information for the limiting particle picture.
In the second part, we discuss the results of J. Berestycki, N. Berestycki and J. Schweinsberg from [The Genealogy of BBM with Absorption, 2013]. BBM with absorption is related to a population model with selection. This article shows that the genealogy of the surviving particles (with a selective advantage), which are ‘local’ extremal particles, is then governed by a Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent process. This result is in sharp contrast to the standard population models without selection.