Calculation of Momentum Space Integrals
The following sections are included:
Simple Loop Integrals
Expansion of Loop Function
Modified MS-Scheme and Various Redefinitions of Mass Scale
Further Subtraction Schemes
Classification of Diagrams
Five-Loop Diagrams
Reduction Algorithm based on Partial Integration
Triangle Diagram
General Triangle Rule
Reduction Algorithms
Method of Ideal Index Constellations in Configuration Space
Dual Diagrams
Star-Triangle Rule for an Ideal Vertex
One Step from Ideal Index Constellation
Transformation of Indices
Construction of Tables
Special Treatment of Generic Four- and Five-Loop Diagrams
N-Shaped Diagram
Computer-Algebraic Program
Appendix 13A Fourier Transformation of Simple Powers in D Dimensions
Appendix 13B Further Expansions of Gamma Function
Notes and References