Episode V: The Genesis of the Brout–Englert–Higgs Mechanism
The next two episodes, fifth and sixth, tell the story of two fundamental discoveries owed to the work of François Englert, Robert Brout, and a few fellow travelers. For readers unfamiliar with the world of quantum physics, these episodes will probably be challenging simply because they will involve challenging notions, but since this is about François, for whom research is such an integral feature of his life, it seemed essential to present its most critical stages. We earnestly hope that uninitiated readers will fearlessly embark upon this journey into the unordinary and willingly go with the flow of the words without seeking too hard to unravel the mystery, for we know that by the time they land on the shores of this world that had seemed so impenetrable, they will have acquired a certain intuitive knowledge that will remain as the memory d’un rêve étrange et pénétrant. (Paul Verlaine)