The Three-Dimensional Real Vector Space ℝ3
The following sections are included:
Vectorization of a Space: Affine Structure
Coordinatization of a Space: ℝ3
Changes of Coordinates: Affine Transformation (or Mapping)
Lines in Space
Planes in Space
Affine and Barycentric Coordinates
Linear Transformations (Operators)
Linear operators in the Cartesian coordinate system
Matrix representations of a linear operator in various bases
Linear transformations (operators)
Elementary matrices and matrix factorizations
Diagonal canonical form
Jordan canonical form
Rational canonical form
Affine Transformations
Matrix representations
Affine invariants
Affine geometry
Affine independence and dependence (Sec. 3.6 revisited)
Affine subspaces
Affine coordinates and barycentric coordinates (Sec. 3.6 revisited)
Operations of affine subspaces
Dimension (or intersection) theorem
Relative positions of affine subspaces
Menelaus and Ceva theorems
Half-space, convex set, simplex and polyhedron
Affine mappings and affine transformations
Projectionalization of an affine space