The experimental activities in Nuclear Physics carried out by Italian researchers and financially supported by INFN are briefly reviewed. The experimental program covers the most important fields of the modern nuclear physics, namely the study of hadron dynamics, quark gluon plasma, nuclear structure and reaction dynamics and nuclear astrophysics. The experiments are performed at the four national laboratories, at CERN and several others laboratories abroad. In particular, LNL is mainly dedicated to nuclear structure, LNS is strongly involved on the study of equation of state, LNF has a program on hypernuclei and kaonic atoms and LNGS has a facility for measurements of cross sections of astrophysical interest. The large community working on the problem of quark gluon plasma is taking part in the ALICE experiment using the ultrarelativisc heavy ion collisions of LHC. Interdisciplinary researches are also supported. A brief outline of the research and of their present and future objectives is here given.