Wavelet Analysis
The following sections are included:
Wavelet and Wavelet Analysis. Preliminary Notion
The space L2(ℝ)
The spaces Lp(ℝ)(p ≥ 1)
The Hardy spaces Hp(ℝ)(p ≥ 1)
The sketch scheme of wavelet analysis
Rademacher, Walsh and Haar Functions
System of Rademacher functions
System of Walsh functions
System of Haar functions
Integral Fourier Transform. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Window Transform. Resolution
Examples of window functions
Properties of the window Fourier transform
Discretization and discrete window Fourier transform
Bases. Orthogonal Bases. Biorthogonal Bases
Frames. Conditional and Unconditional Bases
Wojtaszczyk's definition of unconditional basis (1997)
Meyer's definition of unconditional basis (1997)
Donoho's definition of unconditional basis (1993)
Definition of conditional basis
Multiresolution Analysis
Decomposition of the Space L2(ℝ)
Discrete Wavelet Transform. Analysis and Synthesis
Analysis: transition from the fine scale to the coarse scale
Synthesis: transition from the coarse scale to the fine scale
Wavelet Families
Haar wavelet
Strömberg wavelet
Gabor wavelet
Daubechies-Jaffard-Journé wavelet
Gabor-Malvar wavelet
Daubechies wavelet
Grossmann-Morlet wavelet
Mexican hat wavelet
Coifman wavelet – coiflet
Malvar-Meyer-Coifman wavelet
Shannon wavelet or sinc-wavelet
Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau wavelet
Geronimo-Hardin-Massopust wavelet
Battle-Lemarié wavelet
Integral Wavelet Transform
Definition of the wavelet transform
Fourier transform of the wavelet
The property of resolution
Complex-value wavelets and their properties
The main properties of wavelet transform
Discretization of the wavelet transform
Orthogonal wavelets
Dyadic wavelets and dyadic wavelet transform
Equation of the function (signal) energy balance