Waves in Materials
The following sections are included:
Waves Around the World
Analysis of Waves in Linearly Deformed Elastic Materials
Volume and shear elastic waves in the classical approach
Plane elastic harmonic waves in the classical approach
Cylindrical elastic waves in the classical approach
Volume and shear elastic waves in the nonclassical approach
Plane elastic harmonic waves in the nonclassical approach
Analysis of Waves in Nonlinearly Deformed Elastic Materials
Basic notions of the nonlinear theory of elasticity. Strains
Forces and stresses
Balance equations
Nonlinear elastic isotropic materials. Elastic Potentials
Nonlinear Wave Equations
Nonlinear wave equations for plane waves. Methods of solving
Method of successive approximations
Method of slowly varying amplitudes
Nonlinear wave equations for cylindrical waves
Comparison of Murnaghan and Signorini Approaches
Comparison of some results for plane waves
Comparison of cylindrical and plane wave in the Murnaghan model