The following sections are included:
Tensor Representations of SO(N)
Tensors of SO(N)
Irreducible Basis Tensors of SO(2ℓ + 1)
Irreducible Basis Tensors of SO(2ℓ)
Dimensions of Irreducible Tensor Representations
Adjoint Representation of SO(N)
Tensor Representations of O(N)
Γ Matrix Groups
Property of Γ Matrix Groups
The Case N = 2ℓ
The Case N = 2ℓ + 1
Spinor Representations of SO(N)
Covering Groups of SO(N)
Fundamental Spinors of SO(N)
Direct Products of Spinor Representations
Spinor Representations of Higher Ranks
Dimensions of the Spinor Representations
Rotational Symmetry in N-Dimensional Space
Orbital Angular Momentum Operators
Spherical Harmonic Functions
Schrödinger Equation for a Two-body System
Schrödinger Equation for a Three-body System
Dirac Equation in (N + 1)-dimensional Space–time
The SO(4) Group and the Lorentz Group
Irreducible Representations of SO(4)
Single-valued Representations of O(4)
The Lorentz Group
Irreducible Representations of Lp
The Covering Group of Lp
Classes of Lp
Irreducible Representations of Lh