Bioinformatics of Protein Function
The following sections are included:
Evolution of Protein Sequence, Structure and Function
Natural Mechanisms of Development of Novel Protein Functions
"Mixing and matching" of domains, including duplication/oligomerization, and domain swapping or fusion
Definition and Classification of Protein Function
Classification Schemes for Protein Function
General Schemes
The Enzyme Commission Classification
The Gene Ontology Consortium
Comparison of Enzyme Commission and GO Classifications
Methods for Assigning Protein Function
Detection of Protein Homology from Sequence, and its Application to Function Assignment
Detection of Structural Similarity, and Structure/Function Correlations
Prediction of Ligands
Motifs as Functional Signatures
Databases of single motifs
Function Identification from Sequence by Feature Extraction
Applications of Full-Organism Information: Inferences from Genomic Context and Protein Interaction Patterns
Inference of Function from Metabolic Pathways
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation