This work was supported by the State 863 Program (2003AA148040), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 10471151,60216263, 6990312), New Century Excellent Talent Support Project of Chinese Ministry of Education, Doctor Station Foundation of Chinese Ministry of Education, Chongqing Tackle Key Problem Program and Chongqing Natural Science Foundation.
As we know, a challenge of image denoising is how to preserve the edges of an image when reducing noise. In this paper, by showing the model of noisy images and taking advantage of the multiresolution analysis with wavelet transform to remove the noise, we propose a wavelet image thresholding scheme. The size of the threshold is interrelated with the noise degree, and then we present an efficient denoising method. Experimental results demonstrated that this algorithm could achieve both good visual quality and high SNR for the denoised images.