This work was supported by the State 863 Program (2003AA148040), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 10471151,60216263,6990312), New Century Excellent Talent Support Project of Chinese Ministry of Education, Doctor Station Foundation of Chinese Ministry of Education, Chongqing Tackle Key Problem Program (CSTC, 2004AC2008) and Chongqing Natural Science Foundation (CSTC, 2004BB2151).
In the process of data embedding and extraction,there are a little articles that change the host media too much.In this paper,we present a method for still image steganography in which we change the host image into Gaussian white noise for increase the quantity of embedden information.In the process of extraction,we use the method of denoise, regard the host image as noise,take advantage of the character of Gassian white noise to delete the host image for getting the hidden image.Method of denoise used for extraction is a new view in steganography.