FPGA-Based Autonomous Robot Navigation via Intrinsic Evolution
Copyright (2004) From (Portions of "FPGA-based automomous robot navigation via intrinsic evolution") by (Tan, K. C, Wang, L. F. and Lee, T. H.). Reproduced by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, http://www.taylorandfrancis.com.
The following sections are included:
Classifying Evolvable Hardware
Evolutionary Algorithm
Evaluation Implementation
Genotype Representation
Advantages of Evolvable Hardware
Novel Hardware Designs
Low Cost
Speed of Execution
Economy of Resources
EHW-Based Robotic Controller Design
Evolvable Hardware
Function Unit
EHW-Based Robotic Controller Design
Boolean function controller
Chromosome representation
Evolution and adaptation methodology
Robot navigation tasks
Hardware and Development Platform
Sensor Information
FPGA Turret
Configuration bits
Hardware Configuration
Development Platform
Implementation Of EHW-Based Robot Navigation
Preliminary Investigation
Light Source Following Task
Software structure of light following task
Program settings of light following task
Implementation of light source following task
Obstacle Avoidance using Robot with a Traction Fault
Software structure of anti-collision task
Implementation of obstacle avoidance task