Trapping of Atoms and Biological Particles in the 1980–1990 Decade
The following sections are included:
Optical Trapping and Cooling of Neutral Atoms in the Decade 1980–1990
Slowing of atomic beams by the scattering force
Scattering force traps and the optical Earnshaw theorem
Arrival of Steve Chu at the Holmdel Laboratory
Planning for the first atom trapping experiment
Stable alternating beam scattering force atom traps
First demonstration of optical molasses and early work on an optical trap
Cooling below the Doppler limit of molasses and below the recoil limit
Evaporative cooling from optical dipole traps
First atom trapping experiment using the single-beam dipole trap
Proposal for stable spontaneous force light traps
Nature's comments on the first atom trapping experiment
The first experimental demonstration of a MOT
Radiation trapping in MOTs
Atom cooling below the Doppler limit
Trapping of Biological Particles
Artificial nonlinear media
Trapping of submicrometer Rayleigh particles
Tweezer trapping of micrometer-sized dielectric spheres
Optical trapping and manipulation of viruses and bacteria
Optical alignment of tobacco mosaic viruses
Fixed particle arrays of tobacco mosaic viruses
Tweezer trapping of bacteria and “opticution”
Tweezer trapping of bacteria in a high-resolution microscope
Optical tweezers using infrared light from a Nd:YAG laser
Damage-free trapping of living cells
Internal cell trapping and manipulation
Separation of bacteria using tweezers
Elastic properties of the cytoplasm