Origin of Tweezer Forces on Macroscopic Particles Using Highly Focused Beams
The following sections are included:
Origin of the Net Backward Radiation Pressure Force in Tweezer Traps
Light Propagation at the Focus of a High Numerical Aperture Beam
Calculation of the Tweezer Forces on Dielectric Spheres in the Ray-Optics Regime
Corrections to Paraxial Ray Approximation for Strongly Focused Gaussian Beams
Fifth-Order Corrected Electromagnetic Field Components for a Focused Fundamental Gaussian Beam
Computation of Net Force and Torque for a Spherical Particle Illuminated by a Focused Laser Beam
Measurements of the Forces on Microspheres Held by Optical Tweezers
Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory for Convergent Gaussian Beams
Computation of Backward Radiation Pressure Using GLMT
Single-Beam Trapping of Rayleigh and Macroscopic Particles Using Exact Diffraction Theory
Optical Gradient Forces of Strongly Localized Fields
Exact Theory of Optical Tweezers for Macroscopic Dielectric Spheres
Use of Optical Tweezers as a Stylus Support for Scanning Force Microscopy
Localized Dynamic Light Scattering
Thermal Ratchet Motors
Experimental Test of Kramers'Theory of Thermally Driven Transition Rates