Over the years this conference has gained a solid reputation as an appropriate rostrum for illustrating new concepts in the relations between industry and the scientific world and for introducing new technologies to a large assistance of junior and more experienced scientists. In fact, from the very beginning the founders of this endeavour announced: "The conference is aimed for promoting contacts among scientists involved in particle and fundamental physics, among experimental physicists in other fields and representatives from industry." Facilities at the Conference are designed to fulfil the task: space and general facilities are offered to industry representatives to display their products. This year a more accessible and luminous space arrangement was made available to the exhibitors. At the same time two plenary sessions have been dedicated to selected speakers to illustrate new trends in Technology Transfer, analysis of environment affecting our community, examples of historical successes in the merging of science and industry. We have identified in "GRID" and in "E-Publishing" two major promising areas where our Community will play a prime role as "User" and it was of the general interest to have them illustrated by two personalities directly involved in their development. The flow of knowledge is of course more massive from "Industry" to "Science" than vice-versa, but "Science" to "Industry" move offers an intensive added value. The technology transfer concept with the "Patents" as fund raising tool proved less glorious than expected. Trademark, licensing agreement and " Patents" can assure intellectual properties. But patent is an issue to be used cautiously. Evidence exists that much more efficient transfer of "Science" knowledge to "Economy" is achieved by venture capital move and start-up companies. These two facets of the Technology Transfer business have been covered by Routti's and Bourgeois's lectures.There are two examples of Companies who moved recently into the areas of interest of our community (Hourdakis and Intrasoft) and the examples of an Industry historically committed to a strong R&D effort (SAES-Getters). Finally a case of involvement of industry in a "Big Science" project (CMS) completed the palette of the contributions to this Industry Section. The full set of transparencies of the lectures, are filed and made available at the conference site: