Superacidic FSO3H/HF catalyzed butane isomerization
Chemistry in Superacids. IX. For part VIII see: A. Bagno, J. Bukala and G.A. Olah, J. Org. Chem. 55 (1990) 4248.
Superacid catalyzed isomerization of butane was studied. Highly efficient isomerization of butane to 2-methylpropane (isobutane) was achieved using fluorosulfuric acid containing up to 5% of hydrogen fluoride acting as a protic co-acid. The isomerization when carried out in excess FSO3H at 21° C in a flow system gave ~70% conversion to 2-methylpropane with generally less than 3% cracking. When 2-methylpropane was isomerized under similar conditions about 12% butane was formed. Attempted isomerization of pentane and hexane with prolonged reaction times in a static system results in predominant protolytic cleavage (cracking).