Paper 6.7: J.M. Liu, H. Kurz and N. Bloembergen, “Picosecond time-resolved plasma and temperature-induced changes of the reflectivity and transmission of silicon,” App. Phys. Lett. 41, 643–646, 1982.
Reprinted with permission of the American Institute of Physics.
This note shows how picosecond time-resolved pump-probe experiments can provide detailed information about the plasma density and the temperature as a function of pump intensity, pump and probe wavelength and time delay between pump and probe. The abrupt change in the reflectivity on melting at a pump fluence threshold of 0.2 Joule/cm2 is evident.
This work was pursued further when two other foreign visitors joined our group. Louis-Andre Lompre was on leave for one year from the French laboratory CEN/Saclay, while Professor J.M. van Driel had a sabbatical leave from the University of Toronto. A partial list of further publications which are not reprinted in this volume follows:
L.A. Lompre, J.M. Liu, H. Kurz and N. Bloembergen, “Optical heating of electron-hole plasma in silicon by picosecond pulses,” App. Phys. Lett. 43, 168–170, 1983.
J.M. Liu, L.A. Lompre, H. Kurz and N. Bloembergen, “Phenomenology of picosecond heating and evaporation of silicon surfaces coated with SiO2 layers,” Springer Appl Phys. A34, 25–29, 1984.
L.A. Lompre, J.M. Liu, H. Kurz and N . Bloembergen, “Optical heating of electron-hole plasma in silicon by picosecond pulses,” App. Phys. Lett. 44, 3–5, 1984.
H.M. van Driel, L.A. Lompre and N. Bloembergen, “Picosecond time-resolved reflectivity and transmission at 1.9 and 2.8μm of laser-generated plasmas in silicons and germanium,” App. Phys. Lett. 44, 285–287, 1984.