Cluster-effective-field approximations in frustrated quantum spin systems: CAM analysis of Néel-dimer transition in the S =½ frustrated XXZ chain at the ground state
How to impose boundary conditions is crucial to finite-cluster calculations of quantum spin systems, but only open-boundary clusters have been used in cluster-effective-field approximations up to now. In the present paper, periodic-boundary clusters are also considered for the formulation of cluster-effective-field approximations in frustrated quantum spin systems. Namely, the open-boundary-condition double-cluster approximation (OBC-DCA) and the periodic-boundary-condition double-cluster approximation (PBC-DCA) are applied to the one-dimensional S = ½ frustrated XXZ model at the ground state. These two approximations are compared using the coherent-anomaly method (CAM). Within the limitation of cluster sizes in exact-diagonalization calculations, the PBC-DCA can reproduce the true phase boundary of the Neel-dimer transition. On the other hand, the OBC-DCA severely underestimates the existence of magnetic orders as quantum fluctuation is increased. These findings suggest that previous cluster-effective-field studies based on open-boundary clusters should be reconsidered.