A New Method for Key Frame Based Video Content Representation
This work was supported in part by the EU ACTS program under the contract AC018: SWASH (Storage for Multimedia Applications Systems in the Home).
Compact video representation is an important step when developing tools for search through large video data bases. It has been shown in many publications that the usage of representative video frames (key frames) for this purpose is indeed an appropriate way of preserving the entire temporal information flow of the sequence in a considerably smaller amount of data - if the key frame set is obtained properly. In this paper we describe a novel method for key frame based video representation. The main advantage of this approach is that the resulting set of key frames, as opposed to recent methods from literature, is not dependent on subjective thresholds or any other manually given parameters. It gives a key frame set based on “objective” model for the video information flow. Another advantage is that this key frame set contains not more than the maximal number of frames, which is set beforehand for the entire sequence.