Precision measurement of the ratio of scalar to tensor transition polarizabilities for the cesium 6S-7S transition
The ratio of scalar to tensor transition polarizabilities (α/β) for the cesium 6S1/2F=3 to 7S1/2F′ = 3 transition has been measured using a spin-polarized atomic beam and an interference technique. We use an electric- and magnetic-field configuration where the Stark-induced electric dipole transition amplitudes arising from the scalar and tensor polarizabilities interfere. giving rise to large changes in the 6S-7S transition rate. The measured ratio is α/β=−9.905±0.011. This result represents a tenfold improvement in precision, and agrees well with previous measurements and calculations. The ratio α/β is of critical importance for cesium atomic parity violation experiments. [Sl050-2947(97)08202-4]