Properties of Light Nuclei Near Drip-lines in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory
The following sections are included:
The relativistic mean-field (RMF) formalism
The RMF equations
Properties of mesons and the choice of parameter sets
Structural properties of light nuclei
Binding energies
Neutron-/proton drip-lines and neutron-/proton separation energies
Nuclear radii and isotope shifts
Nuclear deformations
Shell structures
Shape coexistence
Role of pairing strength
Nuclear structure under extreme conditions- Some new physical phenomena
Neutron skin (halo) in drip-line nuclei
Proton skin (halo) in8B nucleus
“Island of Inversion” in neutron-rich Ne, Na and Mg nuclei
Rapid proton capture path near A ≈ 70 region
Summary and conclusions