Cohomological Aspects of Linear Connections
The following sections are included:
An Introductory Example
Gauge Equivalence Between Linear Connections
Cohomology of Flat Linear Connections
Cohomological Interpretation of Newton-Leibnitz Formula
Newton-Leibnitz formula for Linear Connections
Maxwell's Equations
Minkowski Space
Homotopy Formula for Linear Connections
Homotopic Fat Maps
Integral of Time-dependent Forms
Homotopy Operator
Homotopy Formula
Characteristic Classes
Linear Functions and Connections
Polynomials and Connections
Invariant Polynomials from Geometrical Point of View
Characteristic Polynomial of an Endomorphism
Multilinear Functions Corresponding to Determinants
Invariance of Detr
Invariance of Detr,l
Geometric Approach to Invariance
Dependence on ∇
Characteristic Classes
Naturalness of Characteristic Classes
β-Characteristic Classes
Special Characteristic Classes