The Fast Life of Holographic Mesons
Holographic techniques are used to study the dispersion relation of meson quasiparticles moving through a thermal plasma in N = 2 super-Yang-Mills theory with Nc colours and coupled to Nf flavours of fundamental matter in the regime Nf/Nc ≪ 1. The meson states are destabilized by introducing a small quark density nq. Holographic spectral functions are used to investigate the dispersion relations and widths of these quasiparticles. In a low momentum regime q < qmax, the quasiparticles approach a limiting velocity that can be significantly less than the speed of light. In this regime, the widths of the quasiparticles also rise dramatically as the momentum approaches qmax. The spectral functions do not display isolated resonances for q > qmax. However, by studying the dual quasinormal modes one can extend the dispersion relation into this regime. We give a qualitative argument suggesting that the group velocity rises to the speed of light for q ≫ qmax. This contribution provides a summary of the results in [1].