I would like to write a few words, in memory of Volodya, for the occasion of this workshop which is organized under his name and will start by publicly remembering his essential presence in our theoretical physics world. We had in Orsay (LPT, theoretical physics laboratory) the incredible luck to meet him in 1992 for the first time when we could finally invite this famous and celebrated figure of modern particle physics. He gave a series of lectures this year: Orsay lectures on confinement–in which he mainly developed the picture of confinement based on light quarks that led to many discussions which contributed to open the road of the search actually still going on…The way he was giving his talks nobody will forget. He always started by describing the field he would talk about in a very passionate and extraordinary way: he would say: “I have a picture” which would force even the most far away spectators to participate in an actively engaged vision of the problem he was talking about. He was building with enthusiasm the theoretical image which led to the result he wanted to show. He will remain in our memory as a rare model of intellectual passion. This led him to formulate in a unique way precious theoretical results. Thank you Volodya…
Note from Publisher: This article contains the abstract only.