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    Shadow effects at collisions of hadrons with light nuclei at high energies were subject of scientific interest of V.N. Gribov, first, we mean his study of the hadron-deuteron scattering, see Sov. Phys. JETP 29, 483 (1969) [Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 56, 892 (1969)] and discovery of the reinforcement of shadowing due to inelastic diffractive rescatterings. It turns out that the similar effect exists on hadron level though at ultrahigh energies…

    Diffractive production is considered in the ultrahigh energy region where pomeron exchange amplitudes are transformed into black disk ones due to rescattering corrections. The corresponding corrections in hadron reactions h1 + h3 → h1 + h2 + h3 with small momenta transferred (, ) are calculated in terms of the K-matrix technique modified for ultrahigh energies. Small values of the momenta transferred are crucial for introducing equations for amplitudes. The three-body equation for hadron diffractive production reaction h1 + h3 → h1 + h2 + h3 is written and solved precisely in the eikonal approach. In the black disk regime final state scattering processes do not change the shapes of amplitudes principally but dump amplitudes by a factor ~ ¼; initial state rescatterings result in additional factor ~ ½. In the resonant disk regime initial and final state scatterings damp strongly the production amplitude that corresponds to at in this mode.