Chern–Simons Theories with Fundamental Matter: A Brief Review of Large N Results Including Fermi–Bose Duality and the S-matrix
We begin with a few words about Salam’s contribution to the growth of String Theory in India. In the technical talk we review results in SU(N) Chern–Simons plus vector matter theories in 2+1 dim in the large N limit. The dressing of charged matter by Chern–Simons gauge fields leads to anyons that interpolate between fermions and bosons and lead to a duality symmetry between fermionic and bosonic theories. The S-matrix (defined in the large N limit) besides exhibiting this duality, also exhibits novel properties due to the presence of anyons. The S-matrix is not analytic, like in Aharonov–Bohm scattering, and satisfies modified crossing symmetry relations.