Scattering theory for mathematical models of the weak interaction
We consider mathematical models of the weak decay of the vector bosons W±W± into leptons. The free quantum field Hamiltonian is perturbed by an interaction term from the standard model of particle physics. After the introduction of high energy and spatial cut-offs, the total quantum Hamiltonian defines a self-adjoint operator on a tensor product of Fock spaces. We study the scattering theory for such models. First, the masses of the neutrinos are supposed to be positive: for all values of the coupling constant, we prove asymptotic completeness of the wave operators. In a second model, neutrinos are treated as massless particles and we consider a simpler interaction Hamiltonian: for small enough values of the coupling constant, we prove again asymptotic completeness, using singular Mourre’s theory, suitable propagation estimates and the conservation of the difference of some number operators.