Results of the ISOLDE Facility and the HIE-ISOLDE Project
ISOLDE is the CERN facility dedicated to the production of radioactive ion beams for many different experiments in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics, materials science and life sciences. By a clever combination of target and ion source units pure beams of over 1000 different nuclei of 74 elements have been produced and delivered to experiments. Since more than ten years ISOLDE offers the largest variety of post-accelerated radioactive beams in the world today. The HIE-ISOLDE intensity and energy upgrade has finished its phase 1 dedicated to upgrade the energy up to 5.5 MeV/u, producing the first radioactive beams at this energy in September 9th 2016. The results from this campaign of post-accelerated beams will be described together with very recent ISOLDE highlights of neutron-rich nuclei.