11: Being Good Part 2: Practice of Using Positive Emotions to Lead an Authentic Life
The following sections are included:
What Freud Missed is Worth a Laugh
Segment 1: Negative Emotions and Evolutionary Advantage
Introduction: Negative versus Positive Emotions
Emotions: Heritable Neural Advantage
Negative Emotions: Known Survival Function
Negativity Bias: Open All Hours to Bad News
Heightened Threat-Awareness: Bad is Stronger Than Good
Segment 2: Power of Positive Emotions
Positive Emotions: Ambiguous Utility to Survival
Positivity: Listing its Many Forms
Distinct Phenomena: Emotions, Feelings and Moods
Inseparable Triad: Mood-Cognition-Action
Beyond Evolution: Broaden and Build Spiral
Positivity Ratio: Tipping Point Between Flourishers and Languishers
Scientific Reprieve: Higher Positivity Ratios Correlated to Flourishing
Task to Embed Learning