13: Being in Touch Part 2: Practice of Understanding and Managing Self and Others
The following sections are included:
Connecting from the Heart
Segment 1: Self-Awareness Cluster
Overview: Understanding Emotional and Social Competencies
Flashback: The First Mindset of Focussed Attention Revisited
Self-Awareness: Co-opting Your Feelings for Decision-Making
Segment 2: Self-Management Cluster
Self-Control: A Moral Muscle for Life's Heavy-Lifting
Marshmallow Experiment: A Gift that Keeps on Giving!
Grab or Wait: The "Hot and Cool System" Energising Willpower
Predictive Powers: Childhood Self-Control and Adult Quality of Life
Childhood Self-Control: Marshmallow Pre-Schoolers 12–14 Years Later
Dunedin Study: Universal Power of Childhood Self-Control
Building the Moral Muscle: "Strength Model" of Self-Control
Powering Self-Control: Overcoming "Muscle Fatigue"
Last Word: The Nature versus Nurture Debate
Segment 3: Resilience and Mindsets
Resilience: Bouncing-Back is Nothing Out of the Ordinary
Resilience Processes: A Continuum from "Just Staying Alive" to "Healthy Functioning"
Mindsets: What You Believe Determines Your Resilience in Difficult Times
Conclusion: Drawing the Strings Together
Segment 4: Social Awareness Cluster
Introduction: Fight, Flight or (Be)Friend
Social Awareness: Your Healing Touch
Relational Aggression: Little Ladies Acting Like Big Bullies
People are Contagious: Picking-Up on the Strong Signals of True Emotions
Reflecting the Outside World: Acting on What you "See" in Your Brain
Three Processes of Empathy: Into the Feelings of Others
Conclusion: Empathy at the Heart of Social Awareness
Segment 5: Relationship Management Cluster
Introduction: Relationship Management
SNS and PSNS: A Dance of Balance for Homeostasis
Compassion: An In-Built Capacity for Caring
Clarifying Conceptual Muddling: Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion
Renewal: Compassion Makes Leadership Grow Stronger
Conclusion: Relationships Underpin Resonant Leadership
Chapter Synopsis: Summing Up the Four Clusters
Task for your Personal and Professional Contemplation