3: Coronary Artery Heart Disease: Physiology, Stenosis Assessment, and Percutaneous Interventions
The following sections are included:
Cardiac Myocardial and Coronary Vascular Physiology
Coronary Resistance and Flow
Measuring Coronary Blood Flow in Cardiac Catheterization Lab — Resistance to Flow and Pressure Loss Across a Stenosis
FFR — Fractional Flow Reserve
Use of FFR in Specific Angiographic Subsets
Multivessel Disease PCI Results
Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA) Lesion
Multiple Lesions in a Single Vessel
PCI for Bifurcation and Jailed Side Branch Lesions
CFR (Coronary Flow Reserve) and IMR (Index of Microcirculatory Flow Reserve)
Conclusion: FFR-guided PCI