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Chapter 21: Hirota Technique and Painlevé Test by:0 (Source: Crossref)
The Hirota technique plays a central role in finding solutions to soliton equations. Let f, g be smooth functions. The Hirota bilinear operators Dx and Dt are defined as
DntDmx(f∘ g) := (∂∂t − ∂∂t′)n (∂∂x − ∂∂x′)m f(t, x)g(t′, x′)|x′ = x,t′ = t
where m, n = 0, 1, 2, …. The Hirota bilinear operator is linear. From this definition it follows that Dmx(f∘ f) = 0 for odd mDmx(f∘ g) = (−1)mDmxg∘ fDx(f∘ g)= ∂f∂xg − f∂g∂xDt(f∘ g) = ∂f∂tg − f∂g∂t∂2∂x2In(f) = 12f2(D2xf ∘ f)∂2∂x∂tIn(f) = 12f2 DxDtf ∘ f∂4∂x4In(f) = 12f2D4x(f ∘ f) − 6(12f2D2x(f ∘ f))2.