Diffusion in a Composite
The following sections are included:
Basic Equations for Two Components in Perfect Contact
Effective Equation on the Macroscale
Effective Boundary Condition
Symmetry and Positiveness of Effective Conductivity
Laminated Composites
Bounds for Effective Conductivity
First Variational Principle and the Upper Bound
Dual Variational Principle and the Lower Bound
Hashin–Shtrikman Bounds
Results and Implications
Derivation of Hashin–Shtrikman Bounds
Other Approximate Results for Dilute Inclusions
Thermal Resistance at the Interface
Laminated Composites with Thermal Resistance
Effective Coefficients
Application to Thermal Barrier Coatings
Bounds for the Effective Conductivity
Variational Principles and Bounds
Application to a Particulate Composite
Chemical Transport in Aggregated Soil
Appendix 2A. Heat Transfer in a Two-Slab System