Deformable Porous Media
The following sections are included:
Basic Equations for Fluid and Solid Phases
Scale Estimates
Quasi-Static Poroelasticity
Dynamic Poroelasticity
Multiple-Scale Expansions
Averaged Total Momentum of the Composite
Averaged Mass Conservation of Fluid Phase
Averaged Fluid Momentum
Quasi-Static Case
Dynamic Case
Time-Harmonic Motion
Properties of the Effective Coefficients
Three Identities for General Media
Homogeneous and Isotropic Grains
Computed Elastic Coefficients
Boundary-Layer Approximation for Macroscale Problems
The Outer Approximation
Boundary-Layer Correction
Plane Rayleigh Wave in a Poroelastic Half Space
Appendix 6A. Properties of the Compliance Tensor
Appendix 6B. Variational Principle for the Elastostatic Problem in a Cell