Origin, Structure and Stability of Astrophysical MHD Jets
The following sections are included:
Generalities on astrophysical jets
Active Galactic Nuclei
Young stellar objects
Magnetic fields in jets
Relativistic vs non-relativistic jets in AGNs
Origin of jets
Central object
Disk/central-object interaction region
MHD jet structure
Jet launching and magnetic surface opening
Current structure, and jet acceleration and collimation
Stability of MHD jets
Global disk-jet stability and stationarity
Motion driving: the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Magnetic driving: the current and pressure instabilities
Current-driven instabilities
Pressure-driven instabilities
Summary and open issues
A brief compendium of relevant astrophysical facts
Mostly AGNs
Origin of magnetic fields
On the MHD approximation in astrophysics
MHD axisymmetric steady-state equations
General form
Ideal MHD form
The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of a single vortex sheet layer
MHD stability and the energy principle
Pressure-driven instabilities asymptotic limit