The structure and properties of atoms
The following sections are included:
The schrödinger equation and its solution for a single-electron atom
The Schrödinger equation for a single-electron atom
The method of separation of variables
The solution of the Φ-equation
Wavefunction of a one-electron atom
The physical significance of quantum numbers
The diagrams of wavefunction and electron cloud
The ψ-r and ψ2-r plots
The radial distribution diagram
Atomic orbital contours
The structure of a multielectron atom
The Schrödinger equation and its approximation solution for a multielectron atom
The atomic orbital energy and binding energy of an electron
The building up principle for the ground-state atom
Atomic spectra
The electronic state and the energy state of an atom
The spectrum of a one-electron atom
Spectrum of a multielectron atom
The applications of atomic spectra
Periodic properties of elements
The ionization energy of an atom
The electron affinity of an atom
The electronegativity of an atom
The periodicity of elements and the periodic table
Problems 2