The Result of GDP Estimates in Singapore and Overall Patterns of Growth for the Twentieth Century
The following sections are included:
Results of GDP Estimates
Assessment of GDP Estimates
Consistency Check
Unit Root Test
Upturns and Downturns of Each Component of GDP, 1900–39 and 1950–60
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Current and 1914 Prices
Government Final Consumption Expenditure in Current and 1914 Prices
Gross Capital Formation in Current and 1914 Prices
Net Exports of Goods and Services in Current and 1914 Prices
Exports of Goods and Services
Imports of Goods and Services
International Comparison
Growth Rate of GDP and Its Components
Share of Each Component of GDP to GDP
Overall Pattern of Singapore's GDP during the Twentieth Century
Transforming the Base Year from 1914 Prices to 1990 Prices for the Periods 1900–39 and 1950–60
Overall Patterns of Growth for the Twentieth Century
Growth Rate of GDP and Its Component in the Twentieth Century
Share of Each Component of GDP