Lattice Gauge Theory and (Quasi)-Conformal Technicolor
QCD with 2 flavours of massless colour-sextet quarks is studied as a theory which might exhibit a range of scales over which the running coupling constant evolves very slowly (walks). We simulate lattice QCD with 2 flavours of sextet staggered quarks to determine whether walks, or if it has an infrared fixed point, making it a conformal field theory. Our initial simulations are performed at finite temperatures T = 1/Nta (Nt = 4 and Nt = 6), which allows us to identify the scales of confinement and chiral-symmetry breaking from the deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoring transitions. Unlike QCD with fundamental quarks, these two transitions appear to be well-separated. The change in coupling constants at these transitions between the two different temporal extents Nt, is consistent with these being finite temperature transitions for an asymptotically free theory, which favours walking behaviour. In the deconfined phase, the Wilson Line shows a 3-state signal. Between the confinement and chiral transitions, there is an additional transition where the states with Wilson Lines oriented in the directions of the complex cube roots of unity disorder into a state with a negative Wilson Line.