Counter-Crisis Trade Expansion
Sections from this chapter were used as inputs into the ESCAP Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2008 and ESCAP Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2009. The author is grateful to Ors Penzes, Chorthip Utoktham, Wei Cai and Jon Rosseland for excellent research assistance. None of those people should bear any responsibility for any remaining errors. The opinions, figures and estimations in this chapter are the responsibility of the author and should not necessarily be considered as reflecting the views or carrying the endorsement of the United Nations.
The following sections are included:
Export-Led Growth and its Role in the Current Imbalances
Advantages and disadvantages of export-led growth
Transmission of impacts and decoupling
Global imbalances are part of the export-led growth mechanism
The Pattern of Asia-Pacific Integration into the Global Economy Sets: These Economies’ Future
Recent trends in exports and imports
Developments in trade orientation and trade dependence prior the current crisis
“Factory Asia” phenomenon
Intraregional trade grows asymetrically
Helping the (New) Engine to Run
Fiscal policy and, stimulus packages
Trade, investment, and exchange rate policies
Way Forward