Chapter 3: n-Dimensional Geometry
The following sections are included:
Viewing n-tuple Vectors as Points of n-Dimensional Space Rn by Setting Up Cartesian Coordinate Axes
Translating the Origin to the Point a, Translation of a Set of Points
Parametric Representation of Subsets of Rn
Straight Lines in Rn
Half-Lines and Rays in Rn
Line Segments in Rn
Straight Lines through the Origin
Geometric Interpretation of Addition of Two Vectors, Parallelogram Law
Linear Combinations, Linear Hulls or Spans, Subspaces
Column Space, Row Space, and Null Space of a Matrix
Affine Combinations, Affine Hulls or Spans, Affinespaces
Convex Combinations, Convex Hulls
Nonnegative Combinations, Pos Cones
Convex Polyhedra
Convex and Nonconvex Sets
Euclidean Distance, and Angles
The Determinant Interpreted as a Volume Function
Orthogonal Projections (Nearest Points)
Procedures for Some Geometric Problems
Additional Exercises