Published in Ya.A. Smorodinsky, Selected Papers, Eds. Yu.A. Danilov, V.G. Kadyshevsky, and A.N. Sisakyan (URSS Publishers, Moscow, 2001), p. 71. Abbreviated version.
Yakov Abramovich Smorodinsky… memory brings me back to those far-off days when we first met in March 1952. We saw each other for the first time at the Hydrotechnical Laboratory (GTL) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, , where I obtained a position after graduation from The Physics Department of Leningrad State University. Already a well known professor, Yakov Abramovich (Ya.A.) was only eleven years older than me, a beginning physicist. Today, I would say that we were almost of the same age. We immediately liked each other, and worked closely together for 18 years until I moved back to St. Petersburg, at that time Leningrad, of course. I learned a lot from Ya.A. during those years: his intrinsic desire and ability to share his knowledge was a peculiarity of his talent…